Tom is a multi-lingual senior sales professional with 25 years of experience (fluent German, English & French, some Italian/Spanish). He started cherry picking the nicest Left Hand (LHD) cars in the UK to promote them to his large Europe network on behalf of the UK owners. So you don’t have to waste time on searching numerous platforms & benchmarking against European prices.
Cars only make it onto the platforms (this website, Instagram @tomscarconnections and various top European car sale platforms) when they pass a strict bench marking against around 20 European car platforms.
Want a new car but you simply are too busy to search & benchmark all the platforms forever – let us do the work for you, we present you with a choice of cars fitting your criteria and organise it all for you – please call us for a chat.
Or if you prefer to find a new car under strict confidence and OFFMARKET please check out our High End Offmarket Consultancy for cars & other high end projects on our sister site